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    Hotel Revenue Post-Crisis

    The Strategic Hiring Plan for the New Times

    As the pandemic highly affected the fundamentals of hotel businesses, hoteliers are uncertain on how to move on with the hiring cycle due to the elevated costs involved in recruiting new hires. They are concerned with fees beyond a worker's salary, including opening job marketing, training, benefits, and more.

    Hotel Revenue Recovery

    How to Optimize Hotel Operations as Travel Returns

    As travel begins to return in many parts of the world, hotels are finding themselves much busier than they were at any point in the past year. Increased bookings for the summer are positive for the hospitality industry, especially after a long 2020, but is your hotel ready to welcome guests back?

    Revenue Management Software

    A Simple, yet Intuitive Property Management System

    As the hospitality industry focuses on moving forward, increasing occupancy, and boosting revenue – now is the time for hoteliers to invest in the right property management system to help them achieve their financial goals.

    Hotel Revenue Post-Crisis

    The Role of Revenue Performance in the COVID-19 Rebound

    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a tremendous amount of uncertainty to the travel industry, including the revenue performance discipline, with many accommodations resting their success – and in some cases survival – in their revenue managers’ ability to effectively anticipate market trends. While this is a challenge unlike any other, it presents the opportunity for revenue managers to demonstrate the value you provide to broader travel industry.

    Revenue Management Tips

    5 Easy Ways to Boost Guest Satisfaction and Hotel Revenue

    Like all other businesses, the core factor of the travel industry that determines the success of a hotel is guest satisfaction. In today's modern world, retaining hotel guests has become increasingly more important with such increasing competition. High quality service and thriving guest satisfaction is crucial for any hotel business.

    Revenue Management Tips

    Proven Techniques to Boost Direct Hotel Bookings

    Do you want to boost your hotel’s direct sales? If you are like most hoteliers, you are looking for new ways to drive more direct traffic and bookings to your hotel’s website. Unfortunately, an outdated website and marketing strategy can leave your hotel missing out on direct bookings, and unnecessarily paying the commission of OTAs.

    Hotel Revenue Management

    Are You Using Your Property Management System to Its Full Capacity?

    Your property management system (PMS) is the beating heart of your hotel operation. When it’s set up correctly, it can lift work off your team, organize tasks, improve the guest experience, and propel revenue gains.

    Hotel Revenue Management

    Rate vs. Occupancy: What’s the Perfect Formula for a Revenue Increase?

    It’s an age-old debate: Should your hotel revenue strategy focus on rate or occupancy? Hotel owners and general managers have long argued about if it’s better to focus on reaching more visitors or on bringing in more revenue from visitors they’re already attracting.

    Hotel Revenue Management

    7 Immediate Reasons Why You Need to Revamp Your Hotel Revenue Strategy

    How sound is your hotel revenue strategy? If you’re like most hoteliers, you’re too busy to constantly revise and improve your revenue strategy. Unfortunately, a stale revenue strategy can leave your hotel missing out on massive revenue opportunities.

    Hotel Revenue Management

    5 Benefits of Partnering with a Remote Revenue Manager

    With COVID-19 steamrolling the hotel industry, most hoteliers are scrambling to regain their financial footing. The chaos may have left you in a panic. Luckily, there’s an untapped resource that many hoteliers are now turning to in order to breathe easier, lift revenue, and pave a path towards higher profits: remote revenue management.